


Minicoy is, in a sense, isolated from the main group of islands and lies about 200 kms south of the northern group. It is 10.6 kms long and is the second largest island after Andrott. Minicoy has one of the largest lagoons with a small uninhabited islet Viringili on its southern side. Minicoy is distinct from the northern group of islands in its culture, language dress etc. It has a cluster of 11 villages, which are called “Ava’h” each presided over by an elected village elder called Bodukaka. Traditionally all powers to manage village affairs are vested in him. Each village has a village house beautifully maintained and decorated. Minicoy is renowned for its tradition dance – the Lava performed on festive occasions. Colourful race boats called “Jahadhoni” are a feast to the eye of any tourist. A large number of men from this island are employed as seamen in ships all over the world. Mahl is the spoken language. Minicoy is an important center for tuna fishing and a tuna-canning factory on the island processes the catch. A 300-foot tall lighthouse built in 1885 by the British is a majestic landmark. The beaches have bathing huts with change rooms and facilities for water sports are available. 3 tourist cottages and one 20-bedded tourist home have been constructed for staying tourists. Visit to Minicoy is part of Coral Reef and Swaying Palm packages.

  • Daffumuttu NMF 2013
  • Minicoy Folk Dance
  • Minicoy Folk Dance
  • Minicoy Fest
  • Minicoy Beach
  • Daffumuttu NMF 2013
  • Minicoy Folk Dance
  • Minicoy Folk Dance
  • Minicoy Fest
  • Minicoy Beach

How to Reach:

By Air

The nearest airport is at Agatti Island is 45 minutes travel in Helicopter or 8 Hours in vessel.

By Train

No rail connectivity to main land from Islands.

By Road

There are no direct roads connecting to Kalpeni island from main land.