

The Chetlat Island is 56 km on the north of the Amini and 432 km (233 nautical miles) away from Kochi. It lies between 11° 41′ and 11° 43′ N latitude and 72° 41′ and 72° 43′ E longitude having an area of 1.40 sq km. Along the eastern side of the island, there is a wide belt of coral delta formed by storms, which broadens at the north and covers the whole southern end of the island.

CHETLAT is the northern most inhabited island.Coir twisting is thechief occupation of the people here.The coconut yield is poor and income is meagre.Manufacture of mats and weaving of coconut leaves are the spare time industries here.The island suffered a great deal at the hands of the portuguese in the 16th century.Boat building was a flourishing industry at the beginning of the 20th century when all the vessels needed by the Amindivi islanders were built here.


The climate of Chetlat is similar to the climatic conditions of Kerala. March to May is the hottest period of the year. The temperature ranges from 25oC to 35oC and humidity ranging from 70 -76 per cent for most of the year. The average rainfall received is 1600 mm a year. Monsoon prevails here from 15th May to 15th September. The monsoon period raises temperature to the mercury level between 27- 30 degrees. During the monsoon time, boats are not allowed outside the lagoon because of the violent sea. The presence of the reef maintains calm at the lagoon.

Island at a glance
Population (2011) 2345
Density (per 2255.
Access by Air and Sea from India,South-west coast.
Location 11°- 41* North Latttude 72°- 43* East longitude
Distance to Malabar coast 432 km from Kochi
Total geographical Area 1.40 sq.Kms
Maximum Length 2.68 km
Width 0.59 km
Temperature 32oC (Max.) to 28oC (Min.)
Humidity 70-75%
Highest Rainfall 241.8 mm.recorded in 24 hours
Literacy Rate 92.22